Sunday, August 21, 2011

The Journey Till Now - Living The Dream

“Bye Ma”, were the words I said as she left with Dad, teary-eyed, heading home to live without her only child for the next two years at least. Surrounded by apprehension of leaving my job, taking a bank loan to pursue the coveted degree of an ‘MBA’, and living away from home for the first time, the first night didn’t exactly go right. With Mumbai humidity taking a toll, we walked for more than two kilometres one way to find something suitable for dinner. Was this a preview of things to come?
Luckily, the first week proved to be the best so far with outbound training, visit to the BSE, guest lectures, Mumbai darshan and only two orientation lectures. I was in awe of the college for superb management in spite of various infrastructure issues. All this was off course accompanied by meeting new people from various parts of India from various backgrounds and making new friends all along the way.
From the first week onwards, it has been a mix of academics and extra-curricular activities in the form of cultural events, cell interviews, loads of quiz competitions, mid term examinations, class quizzes, the sleepy lectures and off course the rocking fresher’s party.
MBA at NMIMS is about fighting. Firstly, fighting for a seat in this coveted college amongst forty thousand applicants, and then fighting with your batch mates for the best grades, best jobs and the best pay packages. At the micro-level there is further fighting to get the best projects or to get into the best cells in the college. And your batch mates won’t comprise of some ordinary students, but some of the best in the country who have come here without any form of reservations. At NMIMS even for getting into one of the eight lifts in the college and reaching the classroom, you need to fight the queue.
Finally you learn to fight to survive in Mumbai – the heart of India, and fight to achieve your DREAMS.


  1. Why don't you write more often? You write quite well you know? :)
    Gave me an amazing insight on what NM is about.
    Hope to read more.
